
App DepotQuotesWatcher
Think global - Act local

  • App to process published information within a local environment
  • Multiple data sources
  • Languages English and German
  • Multiple Cultures (Format of Number and Date)
  • Multiple Currencies

Ready to explore with already installed loadable test data by one click

Free for non-commercial and private use

Quick Installallation
App DepotQuotesWatcher as of Rev. 1.0.0
 Install DepotQuotesWatcher from Google Play or Microsoft® Store (Dependent on the operating system of your device).

Discover Quotes Watching in 5 steps

Step 1: Start the App after installation and import the test data (36 tradable security items, 6 items are active).
Step 2: Open the menu with menu button upper left within the title bar. Open page "Options".
Step 3: Push the button "Request Active" near the bottom. Wait for voice messages of the running background request.
Step 4: Open the menu and push "List Items". At top of the list you can see requested market quotes and evaluation results.
Step 5: Click items to see more. Open the menu and page "Extras". Create a backup file of the test data with "Export XML".

Now you can explore the app without any risks. You can import your backup file with "Import XML" in page "Extras" at any time.


After installing the first time the app does not contain any items of tradable securities. The app will ask you for the Import of Test Data which could be accessed automatically from the installation folder. It is recommended to confirm this and to gain some experience with test data before defining own serious data. You can remove parts of or all items with one command (See page "Extras") at any time. You can export or import data into or from separate files very easily as well.


With the app all created system files (including all defined security items) will be removed. You should absolutely export (See button "Export XML" in page "Extras") the security items into a separate file before using "Uninstall". Then you have the last state of your data in a readable XML file and could import (See button "Import XML" in page "Extras") that in a new or other installation of "DepotQuotesWatcher" if required.


If a newer version is available you could update "DepotQuotesWatcher". The behavior of update depends on the OS and/or its version. Before starting “Install” you should absolutely save the last state of you data into a separate XML file by using Export (See button "Export XML" in page "Extras"). Then you will have a backup of your data in case of problems.

Normally the update changes the new app files and does not remove your database. In this case the updated "DepotQuotesWatcher" will show the last previous state of the version installed before. Please check the data before continuing serious working.

If the database was removed while updating an empty list of securities is presented. Then the app will ask you for the Import of Test Data which could be accessed automatically from the installation folder. Do not import Test Data. Instead you can import the saved XML file with the last state of your data into the empty database (See button "Import XML" in page "Extras").

In case of unexpected problems of an update you could try to uninstall the previous version before and to install the current version newly.

1. Export (See button "Export XML" in page "Extras") the security items into a separate file before updating the app.
2. The database is empty or you could remove all security items before the next step (See button "Remove ALL items" in page "Extras").
3. After the update you can import (See button "Import XML" in page "Extras") your data stored before into the new version of the app.

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